jueves, 16 de mayo de 2019

Activities for May 16th and 17th

Activities For First English
Thursday    May 16, 2019

Math: Solve the following additions of ones and tens. Cut and paste the correct answer on the proper place. Print the page and paste it on your notebook.

Please print the page and write the correct pronoun on the proper place. Paste it on your notebook

After you investigate about molecular cooking, make a mental map with  the information on your notebook.  Write clear and clean.


Activities For First English

Thursday    May 17, 2019

Math: Solve the following subtractions.  Print the page and paste it on your notebook.

Grammar:  Use the proper action word on the proper place. Print the page and paste it on your notebook.


Read 10 minutes. Use  Scholastic platform.  Read “Giant Pandas: Gifts from China”
Make a drawing about what you read, use your notebook.

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