Asamblea Barbie Fairytopia
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Narrator/ Andrea: Elina and her friends lived in fairytopia, she was worried becauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse...
Elina / Desireé : Bibble, Bibble! What is happening with the garden?
Bibble / Eduardo A. : I don't know.
Llegan las hadas poco amigables
Hada / Abi : Look Elina! She doesn't have wings !
Hada/Karol: jajajaja lets go, don't play with her.
Llegan hadas amigas
Hada /Mariana: don't bother her!
Elina / Desireé: Look something is happening in the garden.
Hada /Regina V: Laverna charm it and the fairies can't fly.
Elina: / Desireé: Let's go to look for Azura.
Se van caminando por el bosque, Regina se empieza a agotar.
Narrator / Andrea: They are walking and they met Nalú and Nori.
Nalú / Arturo: What's a fairy without wings doing here?
Nori / Alexa: Where are you going?
Elina / Desireé: We are going to talk to Azura so she can help us.
Nalú / Arturo: The real truth is that Laverna spell her sister making her sleep forever.
Elina/ Desireé: Really? What can I do.
Nalû / Arturo: Maybe nothing about her sister, but you have to fight against her in order to have Fairytopia free.
Nori /Alexa: follow the fairy wings path
Regina y Mariana se cansan y se quedan con la sirena, Elina sigue el camino y llega con Azura.
Elina /Desireé: Azura!!!!! help us the fairies can't fly.
Azura / Isabella R.: I can brake the charm only with my neklace.
Escuchan ruidos y Azura le entrega el collar a Elina y entran los guardias
Salvador y Rodrigo.
Salvador: Azura!!!
Rodrigo: come with us!!!
La atrapan y se la llevan al castillo de Laverna.
Laverna / Valentina Ricaño: Nice to see you jajajajaja welcome to my kingdom.
Azura / Isabella R.: What do you pretend polluting our garden?
Laverna / Valentina R.: I want to be the only one to rule the kingdom.
Narrator / Andrea : Elina decided to look for Azura, because she was used to walk, when she arrived...
Elina /Desireeé: Where is Azura?
Laverna / Valentina R.: You don't have wings, would you like to have the most beautiful wings in the world?
Laverna le coloca las alas de arcoiris a Elina.
Laverna / Valentina R.: You just have to do a very little thing. GIVE ME YOUR NECKLACE !!!! and the wings will be yours.
Azura / Isabella R.::Don't trust her.
Parece que Elina le va a dar el collar pero Elina lanzará el collar hacia arriba y aparecerá el arcoiris.
El hechizo se deshace y todos bailan felices.
Nalú llega y se da cuenta que Elina logró terminar con el hechizo.
Nalú / Arturo: Elina, because of your courage Fairytopia became a paceful place once again and YOU GOT YOUR COLORFUL WINGS!!!!! Congratulations !!!!!!!!
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